
Welcome! I’m Laura, and my wonderful birds are Benji a Pacific Parrotlet, Ariel a Panama Amazon, Trixie a Blue and Gold Macaw, Winnie a White Fronted Amazon,  Annie a Green Wing Macaw, and Gilligan a Panama Amazon.  We also have a variety of foster birds who come and stay with us until they find their own new families.
I’m not a professional animal trainer or nutritionist, or vet or vet tech, or anything wonderful like that. I’m just a person who is absolutely crazy in love with my birds, and dedicated to trying to provide for them the best life possible outside the Rain Forest.  We invite you to share our journey as we cook, garden, play, exercise, and learn together.

4 Responses to About

  1. PATTY says:


  2. Teri says:

    as always – You are giving us all and our precious parrots a wonderful gift!!
    Thank you
    I am off to get things planted tomorrow. The planters you gave the Catawba birds are begining to show new life and I have been cutting the goodies for them about a month.
    After seeing your pics..Off to refresh and give a face lift ala Laura tomorrow will send before and after..

    • Laura Ford says:

      Hi Teri!
      Thank YOU, for all you do for parrots, and most especially for saving my dear wee Winnie and silly Ella, as well as all the other Catawba birds!
      I’d love to see photos of the planters!
      Hugs & Kisses to you and your feathers.

  3. Kate Bell says:

    Just found your blog while searching for info on sprouting quinoa. I love every post that I have read!

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